Welcome back!
The last month has been one of incredible growth for you in the Emerald Isle.
This past weekend you attended a three day class trip to Kildare and the stunning Ring of Kerry. There is one particularly beautiful view, "Our Lady's View" that overlooks a spot where several Irish emigrants left to pursue a better-fed life in America. You learned some significant facts about Irish history, botany, and culture. You received a powerful confession and brilliant vigil mass at a certain Holy Cross church in a small village. On Sunday, you saw a little white lamb, a dog sprinting to catch its master, and other significant little details. As you walked along a beach on the other side of the Atlantic, you contemplated the near limitless reflections of God's limitless glory all around you, including those of your shining classmates.
You have been trying to spend this Lent with the Lord, paying closer attention to him in order to respond better in love. Papa Benedict (in his book "Journey to Easter") has been very helpful in this regard, and you will be happy to be with him for Easter. Also very helpful is a preparation booklet for a special Marian consecration you will be making on the feast of the Annuciation, March 25.
You have been growing a deeper love for the sacraments.
You have been loved unconditionally by many caring companions, and by the Lord of the skies.
You have been given more understanding in many respects, yet have developed a greater appreciation of Mystery.
You have been learning to see study in a new light, without idolizing it. It is thus becoming harder to confine your desire within academia, but...
You have been slowly learning patience and humility, necessary steps to a greater love.
You visited another cathartic beach (Bray) and an interesting castle, among other things. At Bray there was a large cross, and beyond it wide hills for the hiking. At the castle there was a statue of a confident soldier with a lion at his feet (reminding you of Mark Tancredi...), and an image of scales reflecting your growing thirst for justice.
You have sought to go deeper and deeper into life, into truth, and into love.
You love to say the Angelus and the Our Father.
You are in my prayers and heart!
Much love,